25th Aug 2011

hey there, we're about halfway through recording our fourth album. our first as a 'power trio'. myself and david and been taking it in turns playing bass guitar. james did all his drums in one day cos he can do that sort of thing. and now we're committing noise crime by recording guitar and vocals at my house.
we don't have a title, artwork, label or any plans for the album yet. just realised that the time was right to do something.
there are about 12 or 13 songs on the go and so far it's all pretty raw. we recorded all the drum tracks in huddersfield without any rehearsals and without having played together for nearly a year, so if you want to hear something that's going to sit nicely on the radio, this isn't it.
it's our first album that we've recorded by ourselves and the plan is to finish recording by the end of september, mix it in october and then get rich by christmas...
if you're into reading song titles of things that haven't been finished yet, here's what we've got: be my girl, don't forget to breathe, my one and only, phosphorescence, find it my own way, penny cinderella, another world, living in a dream, away from me, playing your song, waiting room, what you wanted and hand me down.
we haven't got any plans to tour yet cos we have no cash. we might do the odd one off gig but i've heard grunge is all the rage this year so am sure there will be some kind of hipster band with cool clothes and great hair near you at some point.
uhhhh can't think what else i was going to say. but thanks for reading...